Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Defining Financial Freedom

American Gold EagleImage via Wikipedia

Financial Freedom

What does that really even mean? This means independence, self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle, not a slave to the lender, and having enough money to make a lifestyle you want.

Most people who dream of working on this thing called financial freedom. It seems certain, as we all want. But have you ever stopped to really think about what that means? It can mean different things to different people, so before you spend time looking at it, perhaps it is appropriate to find out what it really means the concept of you.

For many, economic freedom, just not having to work for a living. They dream of leaving the treadmill to get to work every day to pay the bills. Some might want to escape the stress of the job itself, unpleasant working conditions, travel, boredom, and so on. Others may simply value over time to be with their families and pursue their own interests. For most people, it is a combination of both.

Time and money are inversely proportional. This means that in most cases can be traded to another. And if you think about how it applies to your daily life and their mode of operation, it is true. For example, you spend your time cleaning your house or mow your lawn, or pay someone to do it for you, and frees up time for yourself. You can spend time searching for yourself, or you can pay some money for another of expertise in the same area.

You can improve your work by accessing the properties of more training to get more money for jobs. You can also keep their current jobs and start a home based business in half the extra revenue.

Economic freedom is to find a balance between the quality of your financial life from your income, your investments, your lifestyle and occupations. Economic freedom can come in a variety of forms of frugality hard to the very rich. The key is balance - no more important than the rest of the costs relative to income.

One of the surest ways to ensure financial independence after he took charge of the savings is to start earning more. This will speed up wakes up to economic freedom, if you always manage.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

7 Persuasion Tips To Help You Reach Your Goals

By Michael Lee, Author of How To Be An Expert Persuader

Having exceptional persuasion skills is one of the most essential abilities to possess in today's fast-paced society. We need the support and cooperation of other people to help us in our goal setting efforts. The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth.

Here are some hot tips to effectively influence and persuade anyone you desire.

1) Be nice and friendly.

Smile to brighten up the day. Make a sincere compliment to encourage and raise their spirits. Simple little things like these count a lot.

Make them feel that whenever they need support or just someone who can give them guidance, you'll always be there to lend a hand. They would tend to be more receptive to people that they trust and respect.

If you want to ask your boss a favor, do everything you can to please him. Overdeliver and exceed his expectations. Soon, he will notice your efforts and can easily be receptive to your persuasion efforts.

2) Enter their world.

You must understand the situation according to their point of view. Set aside your personal interests and focus on them.

Just pretend that if you are them, what would you do? What would be your suggestion? Then take the appropriate action that would be beneficial to them.

Copy them. Observe how they act, how they speak, and how they think. If they rub their hands while they talk to you, act like them. If they speak at a clear and slow pace, try to do the same thing. This is called mirroring.

In due time, the people you're mirroring will subconsciously feel more comfortable with you. It's as if they see themselves in you.

However, you must proceed with caution. Mirroring is different from mimicry. Do not let them be aware that you are copying them. They might interpret it as mockery and you'll just get into hot water.

3) Consistency is the key.

This persuasion technique rests on a person's need to remain consistent with what he has said or promised. People who say one thing and then do another are generally unapproved of.

In order to be accepted in society, people do their best to stick to their words. It's a matter of honor and integrity. The more a person values these concepts, the more he will stick to his word. You can easily use this to your advantage.

For example, if Senator A has recently announced his commitment to the environment, it would be a good time to solicit help for your eco-friendly organization. After all, he has just said it himself. Backing out now would diminish his name.

4) Provide them with undeniable proof or evidence.

Explain to them how your ideas or opinions could be the most effective methods to implement. Show them undeniable proof that you have the best product by way of testimonials, before and after scenarios, and detailed comparisons against your competitors.

Just make sure that all your claims are true and verifiable. Always maintain a good reputation.

5) Greed is gold.

Let's face it. People can be greedy sometimes. But when it comes to persuasion skills, greed is not something to frown upon; it's something you use to get people right where you want them!

Are you selling lottery tickets? Appeal to people by regaling to them tales of what could be. Are you selling jewelry? Get people to buy them by way of compliments. Tell them how great the stones look on them and how they'll be the envy of everyone else.

6) Use the word "because."

How often do we use the word "because" in a real sentence? In my opinion, we don't use it often enough. Sure, we use it when writing letters, but do you have any idea how powerful this word is when used verbally in actual sentence?

When you're trying to reason out the need for a second chance to your boss, for example, you don't say "I deserve a second chance for all my hard work." Instead, you say, "I deserve a second chance because I worked really hard on this project."

That word alone gives you an air of maturity and credibility that will always work to your advantage.

7) Satisfy their existing needs and wants.

Being self-centered is basic human nature. People usually attend to their own concerns and well-being before attending to others'. If you can prove that your proposal will provide more advantages to them than to your own, then they will probably accept it.

If you could concentrate more on their interests, desires, needs, and expectations, then you would satisfy their cravings for attention. Moreover, it would show that you really care about them. Mutual trust and respect would be established.

This is the most important thing to remember when persuading anyone. No matter how close you are to becoming like them or how compelling your evidence is, if it does not satisfy the "What's In It For Me?" test, your persuasion endeavors will not produce satisfactory results. Always bear in mind how they will benefit from your actions.

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 Tips How To Create Lasting Wealth

5 Tips How To Create Lasting Wealth

Ability to Create Wealth Tip # 1

Earn more income. If you are professional for sure you can land a decent job. Because, as what
your parents input to your mind when you are in grade school. “To study well so that when you graduate in college you can have a stable and high paying job”. Well, now you have your goal you have a job. What else can you do to earn more income? Do you have a talent in writing? How about to share it on the web regarding your expertise and publish it for sale as an e-book? How about to invest in direct selling. How about internet marketing or being an affiliate to a solid company? Imagine, your sole capital is internet connection and computer. Joining is absolute free. No need for share capital, only your time and effort and you can do this during your spare time.

Check this out: http://www.sfi4.com/11346173/FREE

Maintain your wealth, spend less than you earn and invest the difference Tip # 2

How to do this? Very simple by this formula:

Income minus your Expenses equal Savings. (NOTE: This is only applicable if you can control your expenses and if you are not always roaming on the mall and can’t find the four letter word “S A L E".)

How about this second formula?

Income minus your Savings equal Expenses.

I suggest to follow the second formula. May you ask me where to invest the difference of your income? How about to invest in time deposit? If you are not a risk taker it is better to invest it on the bank offering time deposit. Because it is safe and low risk.

Increase Your Wealth Tip # 3

Spend Less Than You Earn, Invest The Difference and Re- Invest Your Returns for Compounded Growth.

Here, comes in the power of compounding. There are banks offering 1 month tenure, 3 months tenure, 6 months tenure, 1 year tenure and so on……. Imagine your money grows if you reinvest the interest in the same vehicle or if you know the financial adviser always saying “Don’t put your eggs in one basket”. Find another vehicle you know to bring more wealth. Now let’s go to the next tip.

Protect Your Wealth Tip # 4

You are now wealthy because of your being honest in your business. For being money savvy and you cannot deny there comes a time you will become insecure. There are also crooks who like to earn money for any unjust reason. What is the rule of thumb? To protect your wealth. Find an asset protection company. Your wealth does not need to be hidden, just to be protected.

Enjoy Your Wealth Tip # 5

It is your freedom how to enjoy your wealth. If you enjoy sharing you wealth to the poorest of the poor in your community, fine. Maybe, you like to increase your tighting to your church and God to give in return to his never ending pouring blessing, very fine. The beauty of tithing is that by giving away a portion of what you can give it in a way that gives you joy.
Remember “Charity and personal force are the only investments.” Walt Whitman
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Spiritual Wealth: 3 Fulfilling Ways To Attain Spiritual Wealth

By Michael Lee
In today's times, having spiritual wealth is very important. Somehow, we all seem to have forgotten what having inner peace is like. We're so used to seeing drama all over the place that we begin to see it as the norm.

Nobody bats an eye when couples divorce anymore. Depression is now the latest accessory for teenagers. Ugly family drama is constantly exploited on television. Seeing all these things happening around us, I wonder who would ever wish such a tumultuous life for themselves?

When you possess spiritual wealth, you're not likely to get affected by all the negativity surrounding you. Read on to find out how to achieve your inner peace and happiness.

Spiritual Wealth Tip # 1: Attitude of Gratitude

There's a lot to be thankful for in this world. Find the time to sit down and create a list of all the things you're grateful for. I guarantee that it will bring you a kind of peace you haven't felt in a long while.

Creating a list also makes you aware of some of the wonderful things in your life you don't normally notice. For example, you may find yourself being grateful for having the nicest landlord in the city. Where others have to deal with crappy landlords, you have yourself a generous and patient one. That's certainly something to feel grateful about.

Spiritual Wealth Tip # 2: Pass It On.

It just feels so wonderful and satisfying to do something nice for somebody. After completing your gratitude list, you'll come to realize just how fortunate you are compared to others. Pass that feeling on.

The next time you see a begging child on the street, why don't you treat him to a decent meal? Better yet, why not set aside a small portion of your income to donate to your chosen charity? It's not going to cost you a lot of money, but it will leave you with a very warm feeling inside.

Spiritual Wealth Tip # 3: Cut Back On Negativity.

Part of increasing your spiritual wealth is by thinking in positives as much as you can, as often as you can. The world is not perfect. Sometimes, it throws something unexpected and unpleasant your way. However, it is ultimately up to you on how to receive it.

Spiritual wealth can be interpreted in many ways. It can also be achieved in different ways. The three examples above are but some of the ways you can try for yourself. One thing is for sure. Spiritual wealth does not necessarily have to do with money, but it has everything to do with what you think of yourself and of others.

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Money Magnetism: 3 Rules To Attract Non-Stop Wealth Into Your Life

By Michael Lee
Money magnetism is not just a far-fetched dream. It is, in fact, very real to the select few who know how to harness its power and make good use of it. You too can be part of this small group of people who attract money like honey does to bees!

Are you ready to learn more about money magnetism? Read on!

Money Magnetism Rule # 1: Know Exactly What You Want.

The first rule is to know specifically how much you want. Saying that you want to be rich or that you want to have a lot of money won't really do you a lot of good. Why? Because the terms you used are so vague they can be interpreted in a number of ways.

The best way to attract money is to know the amount that you want. Say you want an increase in pay. Don't just think about wanting to get a raise, think about that "500-dollar raise" you're going to get. You can, of course, modify the amount to whatever you want. Just be as specific as possible.

Money Magnetism Rule # 2: Visualize Your Desires.

Remember that when visualizing, having a very vivid imagination can come quite in handy. If you have trouble concentrating, find a quiet place where you're sure to have some semblance of peace.

Get into a comfortable position and see yourself living the good life. See yourself being happy and grateful with the fortunes you have amassed.

Other people like to listen to music while visualizing because some songs help them get into their desired state better. You can try that as well. Once you're fully seated into your vision, let the emotions spring forth. Feel the thrill of buying a luxury car. Feel the happiness over that new designer bag.

Money Magnetism Rule # 3: Take It a Step Further.

At the peak of your vision, imagine yourself sending those feelings into the universe. There's no right or wrong way to do this. Just do what feels right.

By sending your feelings over to the universe, you're basically dictating how you want your life to pan out to it. As unbelievable as it sounds, we do have control over what happens in our life.

Money magnetism has been around for a long time now and yet there are so many people on this planet that are unaware of it. You can also do your part in sharing this powerful information with the rest of the world!

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Successful Ways to Make Money

By Michael Lee

You have probably heard other people say that "Money isn't everything" or "Money can't buy happiness." They may be right in some aspects; but it's not just about the money.

It's about having an ideal lifestyle - being able to have control over your time and schedule, having no one ordering you around, not having to look at the price tags every time you go out shopping, and just enjoying the freedom that you truly deserve.

But why do many people fail to achieve financial freedom? Through experience, I have observed that they have limited belief.

That's the problem with most people. They have set up a boundary in their minds, blocking the flow of abundance and prosperity to enter their lives. This barrier stops any possibility of surpassing the current limits of their belief.

For example, many people would think that their boring day job is all that they're good enough for. They do not like to think outside the box. They do not grab opportunities that are theirs for the taking. Fears and doubts have been causing them to miss these golden chances of a lifetime.

There are plenty of opportunities out there. They may enroll in night classes, do some research on how to make more money, or start an internet business.

When I was just starting my online endeavors, all my friends and relatives (with the exception of my internet marketing friends, of course) would discourage me in entering this venture. They would repeatedly inform me that I'm wasting my time and nothing good would come out of it.

Had I listened to them, I would not have achieved online success. If they have succeeded in implanting their own restricted beliefs into my mind, I never would have tasted the joy of being an infopreneur.

No offense to them. I respect their decisions. Everyone has the right to voice out their opinions, but no one has the right to force others in accepting their belief. Thank goodness my internet marketing pals have encouraged and supported me all the way.

Believe that you have the capacity and power to attain moneymaking success, and you're halfway there.

Plan everything. Make a list of things that would allow you to save money. Cut back on using your credit card, pay your bills on time, make wise investment decisions, and try your best to start in some sort of business (no matter how small).

More importantly, action should be taken. It's not enough to just believe. You have to make a move. Does making mistakes frighten you? Don't be. The more mistakes you make, the closer you will get to success.

Sacrifice. Instead of watching TV, chatting mindlessly over the phone, or going shopping, invest more time on those activities that would propel you in reaching your financial goals.

Many people would repeatedly complain that they're sick and tired of their lives, but do they really deserve a better life? The harder you work, the more chances that success will hit you.

Never, ever give up. Quitting is not an option. You must keep on pounding and pounding until you have achieved your mission.

Money may not be everything, but living your life the way you want it to be is.

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Help With Money Problems: 3 Helpful Tips To Save You From Financial Ruin

By Michael Lee

Do you need help with money problems? There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everybody has needed a hand at one point or another. The important thing here is that you recognize there are financial issues you need a little help with.

For help with money problems, read on!

1) Do Damage Control.

One common money problem is debt. Whether it be from student loans or gambling tragedies doesn't matter; what matters is that you don't add any more problems to your life.

If your debts came from gambling, cease gambling immediately. No more risks with lady luck. She's obviously not favoring you anyway.

If your debt came from credit card interests, keep yourself from swiping away at the next sale. Do whatever it takes so you won't accidentally bury yourself any deeper in debt.

2) Start A Small Business.

If you need help with money problems, you can go start your own product or service business - a small one. People who aren't earning enough money at work often rely on businesses on the side to get them through month after month.

Think about what you're good at. If you're good at playing the guitar, maybe you can give guitar lessons during weekends. Small businesses like this might not seem like much, but you'd be amazed at how they can contribute to your annual income!

3) Invest Your Money.

Saving money can be difficult, especially if you keep taking bills out of the cookie jar. A dollar every week is still 72 dollars in a year. A one-time splurge for that designer dress on sale is still a splurge as well.

If you're really serious about getting help with money problems, keep your cash somewhere that isn't within your reach - and that earns interest along the way.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind?" That is exactly the principle at work here.

If you want to save your money and earn a little extra from it, why don't you invest it in a money market or time deposit account?

Many money market funds pose very little risk and oftentimes earn higher returns than a time deposit account. But if you're completely afraid to take any risk, invest in a time deposit account. These accounts help you gain a higher interest rate than a regular savings account.

Everybody needs help with money problems. People with high incomes, people with low salaries, people with their own businesses, people who are employed in companies… And there's nothing wrong with that!

The important thing here is that you want to do something about your situation, that you're willing to do the necessary work and make small sacrifices when called for!

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gibraltar Visit Part III

Gibraltar Visit Part III

The Queens Hotel where we stay when we sign-on and sign-off to our assigned vessel in Gibraltar

A view from above showing the Bay of Gibraltar. Motor Tanker Vemabaltic anchoring inside the bay.

The Alameda, Gibraltar Botanic Gardens

Trees Longing for Sunshine

Cactus Family

A shelter for the rain

Orange tree

The pond

Coat of Arms of Gibraltar

Coat of Arms of Gibraltar Garden

The only flower I capture during this winter season here in Gibraltar

That's what friends are for

And the rain start falling.....

The Sunset Park

Gibraltar Yacht Club

Because of rain we were not able to go the beautiful places on Gibraltar. Hope on my next visit God will give me nice weather and have an SLR camera to capture more historic and memorable subject.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gibraltar Visit Part II

Gibraltar Visit Photos

Gibraltar British Hero

Cannons used on Gibraltar

View from Gibraltar Town Center

Gibraltar Historic Telephone Booth

Outside Governor's Place

Gibraltar Governor's Place

The rain stop from pouring that is why I was able to take photographs to different historic spot and statue on the island of Gibraltar.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gibraltar Visit Part I

Gibraltar visit photos
Waiting when the rain stop

Gibraltar car park

The Gibraltar Cathedral

Gibraltar Main Street

Gibraltar Cathedral altar and tabernacle

The Calvary

The Blessed Virgin

Orange Tree On Main Street

Gibraltar Main Street One Rainy Morning

14th March 2011. Weather forecast on Gibraltar is cloudy and scattered rainshowers.
I am scheduled to go ashore to walk and visit the Historic Island of Gibraltar. As we stepped on shore of the Gibraltar, heavy rain pour in and cause us to rush to find a shelter. As we walk together with my crew mates we went to the Cathedral. As they say and I believed God is always find a way when there is no way. We able to attend a holy mass. We are lucky indeed, just imagine to attend a holy sacrament on one of the historic place in the world. Praise the Lord!
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Monday, February 28, 2011

Ship's Photos

Ship's Photos inside Gibraltar Bay

The Gibraltar Island

Name: Gaselys
MMSI: 228333700
Call Sign: FMLU
IMO No: 9320075
Length: 287 M
Beam: 42 M
Vessel Type: Tanker/LNG
Flag: France

Name: Pusan Reefer
MMSI: 636011700
Call Sign: A8AY8
IMO No: 28316077
Length: 142 M
Beam: 20 M
Vessel Type: Reefer Cargo
Flag: Liberia

Name: MCT Alioth
MMSI: 636090956
Call Sign: A81B4
IMO No: 9173094
Length: 151 M
Beam: 24 M
Vessel Type: Chemical Tanker
Flag: Liberia

Motor Tanker Algeciras Spirit Passing Gibraltar Bay

Motor Tanker North Point Anchored on Gibraltar Bay

Ships waiting for Fuel Oil supply
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