Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Defining Financial Freedom

American Gold EagleImage via Wikipedia

Financial Freedom

What does that really even mean? This means independence, self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle, not a slave to the lender, and having enough money to make a lifestyle you want.

Most people who dream of working on this thing called financial freedom. It seems certain, as we all want. But have you ever stopped to really think about what that means? It can mean different things to different people, so before you spend time looking at it, perhaps it is appropriate to find out what it really means the concept of you.

For many, economic freedom, just not having to work for a living. They dream of leaving the treadmill to get to work every day to pay the bills. Some might want to escape the stress of the job itself, unpleasant working conditions, travel, boredom, and so on. Others may simply value over time to be with their families and pursue their own interests. For most people, it is a combination of both.

Time and money are inversely proportional. This means that in most cases can be traded to another. And if you think about how it applies to your daily life and their mode of operation, it is true. For example, you spend your time cleaning your house or mow your lawn, or pay someone to do it for you, and frees up time for yourself. You can spend time searching for yourself, or you can pay some money for another of expertise in the same area.

You can improve your work by accessing the properties of more training to get more money for jobs. You can also keep their current jobs and start a home based business in half the extra revenue.

Economic freedom is to find a balance between the quality of your financial life from your income, your investments, your lifestyle and occupations. Economic freedom can come in a variety of forms of frugality hard to the very rich. The key is balance - no more important than the rest of the costs relative to income.

One of the surest ways to ensure financial independence after he took charge of the savings is to start earning more. This will speed up wakes up to economic freedom, if you always manage.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

7 Persuasion Tips To Help You Reach Your Goals

By Michael Lee, Author of How To Be An Expert Persuader

Having exceptional persuasion skills is one of the most essential abilities to possess in today's fast-paced society. We need the support and cooperation of other people to help us in our goal setting efforts. The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth.

Here are some hot tips to effectively influence and persuade anyone you desire.

1) Be nice and friendly.

Smile to brighten up the day. Make a sincere compliment to encourage and raise their spirits. Simple little things like these count a lot.

Make them feel that whenever they need support or just someone who can give them guidance, you'll always be there to lend a hand. They would tend to be more receptive to people that they trust and respect.

If you want to ask your boss a favor, do everything you can to please him. Overdeliver and exceed his expectations. Soon, he will notice your efforts and can easily be receptive to your persuasion efforts.

2) Enter their world.

You must understand the situation according to their point of view. Set aside your personal interests and focus on them.

Just pretend that if you are them, what would you do? What would be your suggestion? Then take the appropriate action that would be beneficial to them.

Copy them. Observe how they act, how they speak, and how they think. If they rub their hands while they talk to you, act like them. If they speak at a clear and slow pace, try to do the same thing. This is called mirroring.

In due time, the people you're mirroring will subconsciously feel more comfortable with you. It's as if they see themselves in you.

However, you must proceed with caution. Mirroring is different from mimicry. Do not let them be aware that you are copying them. They might interpret it as mockery and you'll just get into hot water.

3) Consistency is the key.

This persuasion technique rests on a person's need to remain consistent with what he has said or promised. People who say one thing and then do another are generally unapproved of.

In order to be accepted in society, people do their best to stick to their words. It's a matter of honor and integrity. The more a person values these concepts, the more he will stick to his word. You can easily use this to your advantage.

For example, if Senator A has recently announced his commitment to the environment, it would be a good time to solicit help for your eco-friendly organization. After all, he has just said it himself. Backing out now would diminish his name.

4) Provide them with undeniable proof or evidence.

Explain to them how your ideas or opinions could be the most effective methods to implement. Show them undeniable proof that you have the best product by way of testimonials, before and after scenarios, and detailed comparisons against your competitors.

Just make sure that all your claims are true and verifiable. Always maintain a good reputation.

5) Greed is gold.

Let's face it. People can be greedy sometimes. But when it comes to persuasion skills, greed is not something to frown upon; it's something you use to get people right where you want them!

Are you selling lottery tickets? Appeal to people by regaling to them tales of what could be. Are you selling jewelry? Get people to buy them by way of compliments. Tell them how great the stones look on them and how they'll be the envy of everyone else.

6) Use the word "because."

How often do we use the word "because" in a real sentence? In my opinion, we don't use it often enough. Sure, we use it when writing letters, but do you have any idea how powerful this word is when used verbally in actual sentence?

When you're trying to reason out the need for a second chance to your boss, for example, you don't say "I deserve a second chance for all my hard work." Instead, you say, "I deserve a second chance because I worked really hard on this project."

That word alone gives you an air of maturity and credibility that will always work to your advantage.

7) Satisfy their existing needs and wants.

Being self-centered is basic human nature. People usually attend to their own concerns and well-being before attending to others'. If you can prove that your proposal will provide more advantages to them than to your own, then they will probably accept it.

If you could concentrate more on their interests, desires, needs, and expectations, then you would satisfy their cravings for attention. Moreover, it would show that you really care about them. Mutual trust and respect would be established.

This is the most important thing to remember when persuading anyone. No matter how close you are to becoming like them or how compelling your evidence is, if it does not satisfy the "What's In It For Me?" test, your persuasion endeavors will not produce satisfactory results. Always bear in mind how they will benefit from your actions.

Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. It reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to greatly enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, and persuade anyone to willingly and eagerly do what you want... without them knowing it. Go to http://ngabrido.mikecpa.hop.clickbank.net for the exciting details.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 Tips How To Create Lasting Wealth

5 Tips How To Create Lasting Wealth

Ability to Create Wealth Tip # 1

Earn more income. If you are professional for sure you can land a decent job. Because, as what
your parents input to your mind when you are in grade school. “To study well so that when you graduate in college you can have a stable and high paying job”. Well, now you have your goal you have a job. What else can you do to earn more income? Do you have a talent in writing? How about to share it on the web regarding your expertise and publish it for sale as an e-book? How about to invest in direct selling. How about internet marketing or being an affiliate to a solid company? Imagine, your sole capital is internet connection and computer. Joining is absolute free. No need for share capital, only your time and effort and you can do this during your spare time.

Check this out: http://www.sfi4.com/11346173/FREE

Maintain your wealth, spend less than you earn and invest the difference Tip # 2

How to do this? Very simple by this formula:

Income minus your Expenses equal Savings. (NOTE: This is only applicable if you can control your expenses and if you are not always roaming on the mall and can’t find the four letter word “S A L E".)

How about this second formula?

Income minus your Savings equal Expenses.

I suggest to follow the second formula. May you ask me where to invest the difference of your income? How about to invest in time deposit? If you are not a risk taker it is better to invest it on the bank offering time deposit. Because it is safe and low risk.

Increase Your Wealth Tip # 3

Spend Less Than You Earn, Invest The Difference and Re- Invest Your Returns for Compounded Growth.

Here, comes in the power of compounding. There are banks offering 1 month tenure, 3 months tenure, 6 months tenure, 1 year tenure and so on……. Imagine your money grows if you reinvest the interest in the same vehicle or if you know the financial adviser always saying “Don’t put your eggs in one basket”. Find another vehicle you know to bring more wealth. Now let’s go to the next tip.

Protect Your Wealth Tip # 4

You are now wealthy because of your being honest in your business. For being money savvy and you cannot deny there comes a time you will become insecure. There are also crooks who like to earn money for any unjust reason. What is the rule of thumb? To protect your wealth. Find an asset protection company. Your wealth does not need to be hidden, just to be protected.

Enjoy Your Wealth Tip # 5

It is your freedom how to enjoy your wealth. If you enjoy sharing you wealth to the poorest of the poor in your community, fine. Maybe, you like to increase your tighting to your church and God to give in return to his never ending pouring blessing, very fine. The beauty of tithing is that by giving away a portion of what you can give it in a way that gives you joy.
Remember “Charity and personal force are the only investments.” Walt Whitman
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